Monday, June 9, 2008

Consumption - July 27, 2007

Just a quick thought for you all to ponder. I was listening to the Relevant podcast this morning (seriously, check it out - it always has me rolling on the floor laughing) and they quickly mentioned Live Earth. The podcast from from the beginning of July. They were talking about an article in the NY Times which spoke about the concert, but how the bigger issue with the environment is consumption. That is where we'll see the biggest change, not just in buying more eco-friendly items. One of the examples given was, instead of buying 5 pairs of organic cotten jeans, just buy one pair of normal jeans. As in, don't use eco-friendly as an excuse to buy more things you don't need.

And this all got me thinking (well, I've thought about these issues before). How many things do I buy are needs or wants? I don't think it's bad to buy things that are in the want category, but it's so easy to get out of control with it. What would it look like if I cut down on my overall consumption of products? How do we respond as Christians?

I could go on for awhile about this, but I don't have time now. So, I'll send this post into the internet jungle in order to create dialogue and mass ponderings.

Have a great weekend!

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