Monday, June 9, 2008

Lucky number 7 - August 28, 2006

An Interesting day. I began my job at Chapman University. As I was walking onto campus, I realized that almost exactly 7 years ago, I was walking onto this very campus as a freshman (today was the first day of fall semester). Weird! I thought about how different I am and how my life has turned out nothing like I thought it would back then. That sounds depressing, but actually, I like where/who I am now. I entered Chapman a very proud 18-year old, convinced I was going to be the next female Steven Speilburg. And in the time that followed I changed majors, tried to study in England (but wasn't able to), left Chapman, attended Cal State Fullerton, spent a summer in Seattle, returned to the church I'd grown up in, spent a year in the corporate world and most recently, lived in Bristol, England for 10 months. Even through every hard, extremely painful moment, I wouldn't exchange it. I don't know if change is the most accurate word to describe this process - I'd rather say I've become more Jennifer Leigh Manglos than ever. That's what my friend Sofie would say. There was a song from her church and one line sang about becoming "more of who I am."

Does that make sense? It does in my head, but sometimes it just doesn't come out the way I intend.

Well, it's off to bed for me.

Thank you for your time,

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