Monday, June 9, 2008

Ravenous like a Tiger! GRRR - November 21, 2006

So, some of you may have heard me speak of my "Ravenous Like a Tiger" shoes. And maybe some of you have also heard of the song that inspired the name. In Bristol, there was a monthly open-mic night I used to attend. This one guy who performed fairly regularly was named Dr. Joel and he did Indian scat singing (there was a technical term for it, but I can't remember what it's called). One of his songs was called "Ravenous like a Tiger." My friends and I got the biggest kick out of it and today I just found out that he has a music myspace and my favorite song is posted. I think I'll post it on my front page for a bit. Here's his myspace, in case you're interested.
On a completely other note, I feel as though I need to vent about relationships. So, here goes:


I could say more - but this will suffice (there's a lot of feelings behind those three words). I don't need any encouraging words - just need to vent. So, thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving! At least, for all of you in/from the US. For the rest, have a great week!

Your ever devoted friend,
Jennifer Leigh Manglos

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